Thursday, November 1, 2012

An Open Letter to a Student

Dear Student-
You have committed so many indiscretions lately that you are unsure why you are being called to the assistant principal's office. Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate your choices in life. Maybe that's just me talking (I mean, what do I know? I'm in my 30s!!!), but I would think it was time for some heart-to-heart talking with myself if I were in your shoes. Here are some suggestions I have for how you could better use your free time:
  1. Read a book
  2. Study for a quiz
  3. Do a crossword puzzle
  4. Try to solve the issue of world hunger
  5. Help a friend with his work (help ... don't give answers!)
  6. Count the tiny holes in the ceiling
  7. Complete some of your homework
  8. Plan out your schedule for how you're going to get all of your end-of-grading-period projects done
  9. Write a letter to the president airing out a grievance
  10. Translate the pledge of allegiance into another language
Mrs. Edwards

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