Saturday, October 15, 2011

Aesop's Fables

I admit that I have become completely dependent on technology. Most everything I teach is on a power point, I find clips and songs with You Tube, and I have never had to average my own grades thanks to my online grade book. So when my computer began freezing when more than one program was open, and timing out when trying to open an internet page, I put in an SOS with the tech department.

The tech accessed my computer, and within an hour, the problem was fixed. Sounds good, right? Wrong. She stripped my hard drive down to the factory settings, completely wiping out everything stored on my hard drive. Ev. Ry. Thing. I even had to reinstall my printer when it was all said and done.

I am not ashamed to admit that I cried, in front of my students, no less, and I had to get it together before I could call the tech department. To say I was in a panic would be an understatement. I am in my 10th year of teaching; there was a LOT of data that was just ... gone. After 24 hours, and two recovery programs, I managed to get back everything from before April 2010. While better than nothing, I am now left with the task on re-creating many, many documents and Excel sheets - hours of work at the least. I am still slightly miffed by the whole thing.

So I ask myself, what went wrong? There was no warning ... there was no tip-off ... just a wipe-down of my hard drive. In fact, at one point, she had me on the phone to ask me a question. Where was the warning to back-up my hard drive? A hint, even, would've been nice. But the nothing, the no warning, well, that was a way to go, too, I guess.

Therefore, the moral of the story is when tech is going to be breathing in the general direction of your hard drive, back up Ev. Ry. Thing.

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