Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Hi. Is this Mrs. Edwards?"

As an educator, I am all too aware of the faults of my own children. Don't get me wrong; I love them more than life itself, and I hope and pray they will take their education very seriously. However, I also know my children, and I know exactly the kind of phone calls I am going to get when they are finally enrolled in school.

There's the first-born, only ten months away from being in kindergarten. She is very bright and has reasoning skills that surpass even some of my 8th grade students. But the girl loves to talk ... a lot. In kind, she is a narrator of her life. Truthfully, though, she is a lesson in being patient with a 4-year-old. "Mom, I'm going to put this right here so you can see it. No, I think I'll put it here instead because over there is might get wet. Wait, here it might get knocked off, so I'm gonna go put it in my room. When I get there, I'll also put shorts on because I'm hot. And, Mom, do you think I could go ahead an put my flip-flops on? I know we're going to the mall later, and I want to be ready. I'm going to wear my pink ones because I'm wearing pink, so my pink flip-flops will match." And all of this is being said while my 2-year-old is screaming and kicking because he doesn't want me to wipe the boogers off of his nose. It takes a lot of brain-power out of me for the day, and I've discovered that is a non-renewable source of processing power.

So, for the girl, I'll be getting called into conferences to see what we can do about her endless chatter and the small seizure-type fits she will throw when the teacher doesn't acknowledge her answer/idea/thought every single time her hand is up. (Seriously, she goes all stiff, trembles from head to toe, and makes a weird noise in her throat ... it's almost a demon-possession kind of moment.) I'm not sure yet how we will deal with this, but I have 10 months to figure this out.

The boy is a completely different story. He's very intelligent in his own way. He observes, watches, and learns then amazes you by spitting out the information one day ... information you had no idea he possessed. However, he has anger management issues. He screams, throws, hits, slaps, kicks, and throws himself to the floor (coincidentally, this also has a weird demon-possessed vibe to it). While I realize some of this may occur because he's two and gets dissappointed when he realizes he is not in charge, some of it is just my son. For example, the other night at dinner in a local establishment, he became enraged when we wouldn't allow him to pig out on fries and insisted he eat something with some nutritional value. He screamed, slapped the table, and dug deep for some crocodile tears. It was incredibly embarrassing, and, despite the fact that I knew I was doing the right thing by ignoring his mad fit, made me question whether or not I was doing a good job of being his mother.

So, for my husband's son, I'll be called down to pick him up from a fight because someone will make him mad and he'll haul off and punch the kid in the face. I mean, between now and then I will try to curb the aggression and teach him to better handle adversity. I will work with him on temper and non-violent ways to handle problems, and that may come naturally as his communication skills improve and I can reason with him better. But in the end, he may just be a difficult child, so I am bracing myself for impact.

My saving grace for them both? They are smart, so I may get called to approve their placement in AP classes. They love to read, so, as long as I keep fostering that love, I may get a call about the upcoming awards ceremony. They love music, so I may get a call about enrolling them in a fine arts program (if they still exist then ... no, really ... that's an IF statement).

Most importantly, though, is that I am willing to work with them on whatever accomplishments or trials they may have. And why? Because I am their mom ... it's my job. Doing anything less would be a total breach in the trust they have in me ... and could potentially lead to the complete mental break down of their teachers.

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