Monday, September 26, 2011

2am ... the First Sign That Tomorrow's Gonna Suck

My least favorite duty of being a teacher is grades. They are rather complicated these days. No longer can you give a student a 100 for completing that assignment; you need rubrics before the assignment goes out to ensure expectations are clear and can be met; you need to write comments and give feedback on the assignment when you're not giving full credit; you have to allow the student to reassess any test grade below an 84 AND fix it so that any grades on the assignments leading up to the test that were below the test grade no longer hurt the student's average ... 'cause now they've shown growth. Honestly, it's exhausting.

So idiot me decided I could grade my papers "real quick" last night when I pulled them out at 9pm. 3 1/2 hours later, I was ready to put the grades into the online gradebook. It took another 1 1/2 hours to get the grades in, sew up my daughter's dress (oh yea, picture day was today, and the dress she wanted to wear had a hole in it. I've actually known about this hole for at least 5 weeks now, but this just further illustrates my point.), and get ready for bed. I seriously underestimated the complexity of grading (and the time it would take to fix the dress hole). Plus, I have about 40 more students this year than I did last year, so I am still adjusting to that insane amount of extra time it takes to get everything graded.

The sad thing is, this didn't have to happen. I had plenty of time all weekend to get this done in a reasonable time frame, but I put it off and put it off until there was no option but to start. I guess this makes me a hypocrite because I am constantly encouraging my students to not put things off until the last minute.

No ... not hypocrite ... a do-as-I-say, learn-from-my-mistakes kind of girl.

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