Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In with the Calm ... Out with the Chaos

Patience is a virtue. And, really, I want to be virtuous. But it's just so difficult. In fact, the last time I asked God to give me patience, he instead allowed me to practice patience by granting me my 6th period at the time. Since then, I have been very careful about what I pray for.

My real problem is that I deal with middle school students on a daily basis. I love these kids, but their brains function in some strange alternate universe where reality is taking a nap and common sense is out to lunch. So ... I need patience ... and lots of it ... because they require buckets of it ... and I don't ususally get that much. They don't mean take all of my patience, but sadly that suck it dry almost everyday. Somedays I can't even make it to the end of the day before it's gone ... then I'm just running on fumes and prayers so I don't inadvertently frighten some poor kid who asked what he thought was an innocent question.

So it's back to prayer. Carefully, I ask God to help me when I am practicing patience. I try to remember that my students are not all out to get me ... it is not a great conspiracy or a huge plan to send me to the crazy house (right??). I try taking a deep breath when I feel the irritation come on. It makes for a better relationship with my students, and that makes my day go smoother. However, I'm pretty sure I'm getting an ulcer ... or a brain tumor ... or at least a permanent twitch in my eye. But that's okay because my students will be well-adjusted citizens while I break down into a mess of deep breaths, prayers, and twitches.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, honey... are my former students already getting to you? :) I agree - they're not all out to get you, although it feels that way sometimes. Isn't it funny that our afternoon classes are always the ones we dislike the most? It must be because our patience has run out.

    I think prayer is a must in teaching. Even if you have to step outside for a minute and "start over" a class, it's worth it.

    I can't wait to see you soon, friend!
